
Mindfulness encourages us to live in the present, not the past or future, which in turn makes us more aware of our thoughts & emotions preventing them from controlling us.

Here is a little 5 minute mindfulness activity focused on breathing to help us reconnect with the present moment.

1. Sit comfortably on a chair, cushion or the floor and focus your attention on your breathing.
2. Retain the focus as you inhale.
3. Now become aware of each breath in and then out.
4. Observe the feelings as the air enters through your nose.
5. Feel the rise of the chest and the diaphragm expanding when you breathe in and the releasing and relaxing on the out breath.
6. Continue with 3 more breaths in and out.
7. Feel the air leaving your body as you exhale through your mouth.
8. Become aware of the natural rhythm of your breathing, without trying to change it in any way.
9. As your thoughts come and go allow them to leave without criticism or judgement. Notice that sense of letting go.
10. Softly redirect your attention back to your breathing and to the present moment.

If you find it difficult to focus on the breathing try counting your breaths.

I hope you enjoy!

If you would like to learn more mindfulness techniques then check out our online mindfulness coaching course here.

Our Powerful Mind - Mindfulness Activity 5 mins

The mind is a powerful tool. In mindfulness practice, you learn to train and work with this tool in an intentional, focused way.

This practice lets you play with the power of your mind, showing you how to gently coax it in different ways. You’ll also witness the mind’s auditory and visual thinking patterns. Bring some playfulness and curiosity to this practice, and try not to take yourself too seriously.

For this practice, you will need to close the eyes.

  • Take a moment to notice how the body is resting.

  • Keep the spine as straight as possible and allow the muscles to relax.

  • With eyes closed, try to bring to mind the room or space in which you are sitting.

  • Can you picture where in the room your body is resting?

  • Try to visualize the room in your mind.

  • Picture the floor, the walls, and any doors.

  • See what else you can bring up to piece together the space in your mind.

  • Letting go of the room, picture yourself somewhere peaceful.

  • It may be a beach, a forest, or wherever your “happy place” is.

  • In the same way, picture the space around you.

  • Try to bring up as many details as possible.

  • Letting go of the visualization, bring to mind a song or tune you know well.

  • Try to hear the words or melody in your head.

  • Now use the mind to change the experience of hearing the song.

  • Try to turn the volume down, making the song quiet in your head.

  • Turn the volume up a bit.

  • Investigate what it is like to slow the song down or speed it up.

  • Pause for a moment at the end of this practice to recognize the power of your own mind.

With a small amount of effort, you can conjure up visualizations, play music, and alter the experience in any way you choose!